Friday, February 14, 2014

Be Mine!

Valentines Day is definitely not my favorite holiday. Going out to dinner and waiting forever because everything is so busy, having to look for hours to find a gift (cause really, what do you get a guy that doesn't like sweets for Valentines day?), and feeling obligated to make plans because its a "holiday". None of it is my cup of tea :)

So this year, I decided even though it was a dreaded holiday, it was going to be a good day no matter what!

Yes, the day isn't over yet, but its been good so far, so what better time to blog about it.

Sleeping in, playing video games and eating chocolate doughnuts... the morning turned out great!

Then a tradition from my childhood that will live on forever... decorating sugar cookies! 
and onto gifts.... the lovely dreaded gifts. Dillan got me a blender and a griddle! We indulged and had a second breakfast that consisted of french toast and orange julius! 

We played out side in the dirt and got some lovely 'mustaches'

and took a nice nap.

All while Dillan put together his new BBQ I got him so that we can end a good day with a great night by avoiding all the busy restaurants and having grilled steak at home! Yum!

Hopefully your Valentines was as good as ours!!!

The Warby's

Saturday, February 8, 2014

first post in a year!

Well my last post was about a year ago. Far too long. Updates on this past year include surviving a deployment, me moving to Utah during the deployment, moving back to Georgia, visiting Tennessee, and putting up with a needy dog!

While Dillan was gone I shared the bed with Raider. (more like I slept in the corner while he got my pillow)

Raider LOVED the Christmas tree and hung around the tree skirt a lot

Visiting Tennessee was always a pick me up! Love these nephews of mine!

My Dad helped me move to Utah AND Back! We have some Awesome memories from those trips together!

Like this one! 

Raider has a new favorite nap place... but only on laundry days!

My posts are not that interesting being that they mainly feature a dog and occasionally the hubby. But hey, it keeps me entertained. Hopefully I can get better at blogging (especially the more interesting things!)